16.02.2024 VIRTUAL LUNCH WEBINAR: Herausforderungenund Chancen in der Gebrauchs- und KonsumgüterbrancheHier anmelden

Christoph Holle

Organisational Change

Originally an industrial engineer and historian, today Christoph Holle is an organizational coach and also a structurer, moderator and initiator. He observes, clarifies questions, involves people. He develops the right approach, questions, mediates, provides new impetus and perspectives. Christoph accompanies the process until the customer can take it into their own hands. In all of this, he is helped by the fact that he himself once lived what he coaches and accompanies today. He helped shape companies of all sizes for over a decade and managed all functions directly - from Product & Tech to Marketing, Sales and Operations to Commercial Management & HR. Christoph combines an external and internal perspective, complementing both with training in systemics, Gestalt and leadership.

Some topics are particularly important to him: digital transformation in SMEs, fast-growing companies, "agile" organizational structures - leadership & self-leadership, stability & further development. And, of course, realizing the potential of all employees. He says: Real change rarely happens overnight. They take time and dedication.


  • Networking partner K'UP
  • Self-employed organizational developer and coach
  • Commercial Managing Director Blacklane
  • Member of the Executive Board PayPal Germany - among others Chief Product Officer, Chief Revenue Officer eBay, Head of Risk & Service
  • Consultant McKinsey & Co
  • Industrial engineer and historian

When are you coming over?

Strategy Studios in Berlin and Stuttgart.

Arrive, exchange, have fun.
It’s on us!

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